you fucked up

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  • someone needs an education

    someone needs an education

    I'm sorry someone can't spell. Maybe you shouldn't fight for higher wages. Maybe this is why you're getting paid minimum wage.... better education is a necessity.

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     Hits: 3590
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     From: Samantha Lamagdeleine
  • More Awesome

    More Awesome

    I am sorry I am so much more awesome than you, I guess you have the right to be jealous of my skills.

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     Hits: 3465
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     From: Madeline
  • You're Not a Stupid Bitch

    You're Not a Stupid Bitch

    Mommy didn’t mean to call you a stupid bitch in front of all those other dogs at the park the other day. But you gotta know that eating shit is way ghetto -- you’re...

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     Hits: 1713
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     From: Liza
  • I'll Buy You Tater Tots

    I’m so sorry. I thought it would be funny if I pushed you in the pool on Saturday, but I had no idea you couldn’t swim. (You should have told me that!) I hope I didn’t...

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     Hits: 1657
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     From: Stevie
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